Wednesday 28 September 2011

I'm Starting To See A Pattern

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in the political version of the cliched podunk town on the edge of nowhere.  All the big fads of America show up in regurgitated form months later.  Mandatory minimum sentences?  The U.S. has been there, done that, paid way too much for the t-shirt. Now Saskatoon-Humboldt MP Brad Trost (the generic white farm boy pictured above) wants to import another "issue" that was trendy months ago:  funding for Planned Parenthood!  Yes, the favourite bugaboo of the Sarah Palins and Michelle Bachmans of the American jetset now has it's very own corn-fed Canadian Champion!

Sweet Zombie Jesus, this is who you people voted in?  No wonder it's all starting to resemble Canadian television in the 1980s.  It's the Degrassi version of the Republican Party.

Trost states in a CBC interview that the government (his Conservative government) needs to "take a position that's at least moderate, rather than the extreme left position that we're taking".  Ha ha!  Get it?  It's extremely left wing to have legal, protected abortion!  Trudeau was a secret Trotskyist!  It's funny because it's what these people actually believe!  

The International Planned Parenthood Foundation, you may recall, was accused some months ago by U.S. Senator John Kyl of being an organization who's activity is 90% abortions.  It was a crock then and it's a crock now.  The government chose to continue funding it's annual $6 million to the IPPF and Trost got his Prairies up in a bunch about it.  Harper's government has repeatedly stood against abortion on the international stage but has continued to tacitly support it's existence domestically, likely because Harper is far too smart to be caught up in a political non-starter like that.  Trost, the poor trusting noble rural man that he is, took him at his word and thought (as he did before, in April before the election) that suddenly we weren't going to fund IPPF anymore.  Bev Oda's ministerial office had different ideas, however, and now Trost is crying to the media about how the government needs to stop being such a bunch of goddamn librul commie baby-killers.  The one good thing, of course, is that Canada's very own version of the Sun King, HRH Stephen Harper, runs a tight ship, and rarely lets such flagrant displays of contempt for the Party go unpunished.  Look for Trost to be given a prestigious new position, like Minister Of Snowflake Inventory in Resolute.

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